
1. 查询链上交易 - fetchTransactions

使用ccxt统一API的fetchTransactions方法查询链上交易。示例代码如下。 JavaScript:

// fetchTransactions (code = undefined, since = undefined, limit = undefined, params = {})
if (exchange.has['fetchTransactions']) {
    const transactions = await exchange.fetchTransactions (code, since, limit, params)
} else {
    throw new Error ( + ' does not have the fetchTransactions method')


# fetch_transactions(code = None, since = None, limit = None, params = {})
if exchange.has['fetchTransactions']:
    transactions = exchange.fetch_transactions(code, since, limit, params)
    raise Exception ( + ' does not have the fetch_transactions method')


// fetch_transactions ($code = null, $since = null, $limit = null, $params = {})
if ($exchange->has['fetchTransactions']) {
    $transactions = $exchange->fetch_transactions ($code, $since, $limit, $params);
} else {
    throw new Exception ($exchange->id . ' does not have the fetch_transactions method');

2. 链上交易数据结构


    'info':      { ... },    // the JSON response from the exchange as is
    'id':       '123456',    // exchange-specific transaction id, string
    'txid':     '0x68bfb29821c50ca35ef3762f887fd3211e4405aba1a94e448a4f218b850358f0',
    'timestamp': 1534081184515,             // timestamp in milliseconds
    'datetime': '2018-08-12T13:39:44.515Z', // ISO8601 string of the timestamp
    'addressFrom': '0x38b1F8644ED1Dbd5DcAedb3610301Bf5fa640D6f', // sender
    'address':  '0x02b0a9b7b4cDe774af0f8e47cb4f1c2ccdEa0806', // "from" or "to"
    'addressTo': '0x304C68D441EF7EB0E2c056E836E8293BD28F8129', // receiver
    'tagFrom', '0xabcdef', // "tag" or "memo" or "payment_id" associated with the sender
    'tag':      '0xabcdef' // "tag" or "memo" or "payment_id" associated with the address
    'tagTo': '0xhijgklmn', // "tag" or "memo" or "payment_id" associated with the receiver
    'type':     'deposit',   // or 'withdrawal', string
    'amount':    1.2345,     // float (does not include the fee)
    'currency': 'ETH',       // a common unified currency code, string
    'status':   'pending',   // 'ok', 'failed', 'canceled', string
    'updated':   undefined,  // UTC timestamp of most recent status change in ms
    'comment':  'a comment or message defined by the user if any',
    'fee': {                 // the entire fee structure may be undefined
        'currency': 'ETH',   // a unified fee currency code
        'cost': 0.1234,      // float
        'rate': undefined,   // approximately, fee['cost'] / amount, float


  • 如果交易所没有设置交易的方向(买入/卖出), addressFrom 或 addressTo 的值可能为undefined/None/null
  • address字段的含义是交易所相关的。有些情况下该字段的值表示发送方的地址,有时则可能表示接收方的地址。
  • update字段表示最近的资金操作的状态变化,以毫秒计算的UTC时间戳。
  • 取决于交易所的支持与否,fee字段的内容可能缺失
  • comment字段的值可能是undefined/None/null,否则表示用户创建链上交易时传入的消息或备注
  • 处理标签(tag)和地址(address)时需要谨慎,标签不是用户任意指定的字符串,不能在 标签中发送用户消息和评论。标签的目的是正确定位你的钱包。因此应当遵循交易所的要求。